A Dark Prince Herald of Renewal
true name serq'o vikha tax'az& in his shadow, death cowers empire dreizvalayar governance winged beasts • the legions of hells true statures 1,219m & 209 kt / 396cm & 453kg windfalls Grimoires (13) • Relics (77)
bloodlines kissamet • aidozij'at ephitets amun saba nur • lightend • yev et'irali rabiq dimensons 23 human stature 178cm & 120kg magics chaos • earth magics • primordial


Travers broke open the prophecy of the end of time by removing from Jokazi Rysin (Zij'at) the nature of all his powers without killing him. It turned out Travers ended up fulfilling, one way or another, several omens at once. As it went, the auguries dictated:
(1) The son of bloom and tempest rage
Bound by blood and verge
Wakes the blood of crying moons
Run, run, bite at rancid boon
Serq'o Vikha Tax'az

(2) Son of sin
Break the night
Let light shimmer
Claim birghright
Dreizvalayar King

(3) One shadow, dark as ash, with the face of a terrible hound
Another shadow, armored in the sun. Aureate. Beautiful.
A third, a giant, armor made of stone. His helmet lifts.
Inside, there is darkness, and blood as black as night.
Which one triumphs? Shadows, all around them.
Yev Et'irali Rabiq

(4) By winter's breath, crawling skin
Shadows bloom like bold wildflowers
If the heir of sin vengeance seeks
Count his shadows true.
2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 17
Umbra rise. Darken the world.
Count, or forfeit all of life.
Amun Saba Nur

(5) ... & yet, one shall be born
Now, as has been before (other, again, now, yes)
Without end, the dragon returns
Wailing, gnashing. Teeth of sky.
In bare skin & ashes he of colors
Let the Dragon front the Battle
Fallen star in chaos light
Weapons blaze and waters bright
Weep, for salvation comes
In shadows of the dragons

These 5 prophecies are all told unto Travers, in their own accord, but with the original prophets lost (all Earth prophets) the true intention is lost as well. Still, Travers was able to reclaim not only these titles, these powers, but twist them to his own wanting: he did not become a bringer of the end, but rather a man who understands the end so well that he now knows how to avoid the ending. He became a self-made beast, a bringer of darkness, and hell, for righteous means. While he has access even to his ancient grimoires, and texts that pre-date time, translating them will take time and effort, and so he will not come to understand most of the why of things until Su'en is actively around and can translate properly! Still, it means he has these additional powers, and these are constant. As long as he stays fed Travers now maintains full access to these gifts. Travers' mystery tab are gifts that will unlock slowly over time; the Dark Prince powers require him to shift out of mortal form, just as his Rebel Heart powers require him to utilize something involved with seals.
Serq'o Vikha Tax'az Zurja Uil'ma

the unchosen one

kissamet god

eat dirt, superman

eshm'at ab iure

injori vesci oritsu


Yev Et'irali Rabiq Ex'katpyl:zo

svol valtiva

fandari ox voxt

twil'va las'tah


Amun Saba Nur morning star

satan / lucifer

legions of hell

monsters are made

djab petwo / 67 sections