KISSAMET Nine-Tail Demons The Kissamet (Nine-Tailed) are an endangered minor-deity species extant upon their own fractal dimension, a chain of islands that can manifest on varying forms of Earth. They are humanoid with the ability to shift into the otherwise extinct Kissamet species: a horned red-panda appearing creature. Kissamet are omnivores who require sustaining upon life force, magic, souls or chi to obtain the apex of their own powers; a Kissamet does not reach true power and immortality until they have eaten 100 big lives.

As unique Kissamet, the Yu children not only have their genetic gifts — their Empires which are not mystical or magical, nor do they rely on energy-feeding — they have unique governance within their Kissamet potential as well. This includes a unique Brand which manifests a kind of exotic weaponry for each child, born from their Yu lineage; the children of the Hero of Bloom can use a transformative weapon of the original Hero herself. Among the children, Travers has the parts that combine to manifest most the soul song or, the the ability to drag the truth nature of a soul out into the light. Through this, his Empire is expanded upon: Travers is immensely large (he can exceed universal sizes now), powerful and fortified, but his peaceful nature typically belies of the true terror of him.

Among the Kissamet, in their animal form, only their horns and tails really affect the visual: their horns are exactly as they are described (his tiny red panda has three branch-like antler sets) and the nine tails are fluffier, sleeker, or colored as is noted; for Travers, his nine tails are extra bushy and soft, like a daydream. In their human form, manifesting claws, tails or horns is the same as if in Kissamet form, although their tail color-patterns usually match the animal mentioned here.

These powers are the upper limits of Travers' original nature; these standards have been elevated or shifted, as revealed in the Dark Prince or Rebel Heart tabs.
physiology kissamet ‣ crowned

faustian deals

devour life

endless growth

minor gods

unique domains

tails chinchilla ‣ liberation

adaptive core

grabby everything

from the ashes

it won't fit / i'll make it fit

head blue whale ‣ monster




i am me, i am mine

legs dragonhorse ‣ arrogance


guardian beast

lord of hearts

lucky eyes