Ashakaze The Freeblades Ashakaze (trans: Freeblades) from ashanivi meaning freeheart and kazenu meaning blade edge; rebel cut. The Ashakaze are here to fight for the liberation of the oppressed and as such, function as a crime syndicate focused on rescuing, smuggling, and safely harboring and transitioning all those in need of better circumstances. Mostly focused on wonders and refugees, their duty beyond such action is to dwindle down and take over ports of entry and work for the crime syndicate heta, previously run by Jokazi Rysin. That group, which infiltrated all large known organizations in the world, leaves a lot of work for Ashakaze to do, but the demons are ready, willing, and excited to redeem themselves by harming evil-doers and saving mortal lives. They aim to have their own mafia, Yakuza, triad, and mob families soon, fully formed and capable of combatting against criminal organizations to provide true safety to the common people. They are also encouraged to find purpose, and passion, so they have jobs outside of their crime career; those listed here are mostly bosses, who command lesser shades (i.e. demons) anyway.


The Ashakaze organize as thus:

Travers Yu, the Lord King of the organization, deals with heads of various organizations through the world, which are kwown themselves as Lord Imperials; each Lord Imperial may organize underneath themselves, a set of Lord Cardinals: a group of 8 — 16 crowned ones. Either the Imperial or the Cardinal themselves may choose their crown title, but they are assigned their role (i.e.: demon rank of power) by pre-designation, based off games of chess. That is, they are Kings, Queens, Bishops, or Rooks, as their choices, but gender is not applicable to the titles. Mostly, the are refered to by whatever crown title they give themselves (such as a goblin crown, a burning crown, or more). Travers, himself, is the True Crown because they insisted he have the highest, truest title. His own court, which does most of the day to day work for him, is as follows, with the Lord Imperials of the world (and their rough locations) listed after. THis group of Lord Cardinals beneath are Travers' own; you only need to know the Lord Cardinals listed here — the bottom half of this page is mostly for my reference.
Nico Xy

The goblin crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own white bishop. Known as Prince Yeonsu in his human life, the former noble boy was killed quiet young in an effort to take over his throne, and he died with guilt over not serving his people well. He had evolved unto becoming a bit of a hobgoblin in the 13 Rings, but has shifted into more of a demonic fae who can align with technology and metals to do his bidding. He's intelligent, clever and crafty, and happy to live out life from a young age; he keeps his metallic horns on display at all times and lets people assume them as weird rock accessories.


Zoraida Amo

The ravishing crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own black king, and the former greatest torturer in the 13 Circles; where others corrupted toward insanity, Zoraida became a true and quantifiable demon, torturing those who truly deserved punishment (a rarity in the 13 Rings). She was exceptional at her job and swore instant fealty to Travers without compromise — before even knowing what she would be given in return. She is ancient, near 4,000 years since she died, and her perish was in an era where guilt was what most felt in death.

Sani Tsosie

The cull crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own white queen. A woman who died centuries ago, perished without being able to save her family, and wrecked by the guilty of it. Now, she aims to protect and save the lands of her people — or what's left of them — and speak as an activist. Her role in the Ashakaze is to use their resources to save and expand on indigenous rights across the country and open more work for them; casinos, resorts, whatever else can be had.

Isata Sesay

The pointed crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own lavender queen. A former slave woman who died with too much pain in her heart, Isata is liberated from her own torments and now returned to Louisiana to try and empower and rinse the lands of the hurt of all the spirits who once were.

Dream Celestine

The growth crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own crimson queen. Dream does not discuss her time as a human (because dead life, dead name, and dead self means living a truth now never afforded before). Her goal on Earth is to right her own guilt, and ease the guilt of others whose lives are forced and reckoned with within borders and frames not their own.

Nils Robare

The break crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own white king. Partnerd with Sani in her goals, Nils and she have similar goals on Earth, with different fires. As a human, Nils was taken down by the white man in battle, and his pride made it so he could never forgive himself. Now, he understands power, and the nature of imbalance, and aims to give balance to all; to even the fights, at all costs.

Roman Vitale

The silver crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own black rook. Roman, in his human life, actually worked for Herbert's father once upon a time. Now, he aims to use the still-lingering connections to build up a small and fortified family on Earth, to go back to the roots of it all: protecting the neighbors and saying fuck off to the cops. As the baby of the group, he's the one best adjusted to Earth as it is.

Jester Xy

The reverse crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Traver's own black bishop. A 15th century shinobi trainee who fell in the Onin war. Jester latched onto Nico when they first landed on Earth, not quite a crush but close enough; they are family. Jester was corrupted enough that he does not remember his life on Earth at all, and learning is slow; he speaks carefully, with a harsh Japanese accent, and is on the spectrum but more time on Earth trying to re-learn humanity can keep him from the harm corruption gave his heart, at least.


Harry Franck

The renegade crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own crimson king. Harry is a chain-smoking, sarcastic, rambling wise-ass who doesn't know when to quit. She didn't know how to in life, and she certainly has no intentions of learning now. An old New Yorker who was killed for dressing and acting like a dyke, Harry wants a chance to live out a life for herself that no one can take away now. She wants to run a bar in New York City, a real dive joint, and Travers is setting it up for her.

Riann Whitley

The siren crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own lavender king. Of all the shades that tried to fuck Travers, only Riann has gotten to, and it was a group thing so it barely counts — they both agree there. As the closest thing to a living nymph that a Shade can get, she is sex incarnate and uses it well, running a motorcycle club that offers protection to local joints and events.

Thorne Rodes

The clever crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own crimson bishop. A few hundred years ago, Thorne passed away, slaving away underneath a very, very successful businessman whose family would go on to be a powerful money family in modern times, but lay indebted to the heta. Because of this, Travers was able to usurp some control from them and has used that to set Thorne up as a successful financial broker himself, playing the stock market and businesses like a master of the game because he is; his mind adapts to patterns and knowledge better than any other can and he gets to be the king now, at least among all the men who used to own his family.

Sparrow Ortiz

The savage crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own lavender bishop. Sparrow runs the biker club with Riann, as the main enforcer and president, while she's VP of the organization. As a human, he had been a bank robber and crook whose guilt came from the people he'd injured in robberies so now, he aims to protect, and use his mighty, terrifying force for good.

Jericho Tan

The volant crown of Traver's Cardinal Court, Travers' own crimson rook. Going to school to study to be a lawyer right now (a goal he wants to take on properly, thoroughly, to make sure to litigate on behalf of the syndicate), Jericho is a determined, diligent type. A perfect rook: moving forward toward his goal.

Lola Rahimi

The bedlam crown of Traver's Cardinal court, Travers' own lavender rook.

this is just to break the code apart easier, stupid things
Cece Rosemont

The Opulent Crown, an Imperial of North America.

na crown

Sienna Imani

The Merge Crown, an Imperial of North America.

NA Crown

Anita Estribi

The Ripple Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA crown

Arturo Rudas

The Rugged Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA crown

Esperanza Segura

The Lunar Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA Crown

Lansana Brima

The Orithyian Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Talisa Klein

The Stalker Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Rizki Nadji

The Feral Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Jesca Asio

The Noble Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Quinton Yi

The Wraith Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

AS crown

Evans Tsao

The Monkey Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

AS Crown

Nischal B.R. Giri

The Inspired Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

Lance Kang

The Rapture Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

Sadaf Puri

The Petal Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

Ezra Poole

The Philosopher Crown, an Imperial of Europe.

eur crown

Aurora Mallardo

The Veneration Crown, an Imperial of Europe. Upon her return, she relcaimed control over the Mollardo clan by killing the heads of the family; she now runs a massive swath of the Camorra, to right wrongs.

eur crown

Carice Vries

The Adjust Crown, an Imperial of Europe.

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Omeo Yarran

The Ace Crown, an Imperial of Oceania.

oce crown

Rani Orji

The Anarchy Crown, an Imperial of North America.


Giuseppe Scarfo

The Breaking Crown, an Imperial of North America.


Belem Castro

The Tempting Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA crown

Barajas Lobo

The Gear Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA Crown

Diomer Solis

The Wild Crown, an Imperial of South America.

SA crown

Debare Imeh

The Halcyon Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Senghor Mxenge

The Playboy Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Steiner Gamble

The Furor Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Roger Starbuck

The Exact Crown, an Imperial of Africa.

AF Crown

Yangmi Xu

The Basilisk Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

So Iaosiri

The Typhoon Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

Crisanto Sison

The Breaker Crown, an Imperial of Asia.

as crown

Shinobu Tsukasa

The Solar Crown, an Imperial of Asia. The kumicho (or chairman) of a quickly rising clan in the Yakuza, the Tsukasa-gumi, a labor union and legal activist group building through the criminal organization.

as crown

Yoshio Watanabe

The Judgement Crown, an Imperial of Asia. The wakagashira (second-in-command) of the Tsukasa-gumi clan.

as crown

Leonard Burns

The Lucrative Crown, an Imperial of Europe.

eur crown

Sonia Thakur

The Triple Crown, an Imperial of Europe.

eur crown

Adela Morillo

The Trippy Crown, an Imperial of Europe.

eur crown

Willow Parsons

The Dreamer Crown, an Imperial of Oceania.

oce crown