SINDAR'I / ISNA'OSI EXALTED / BORN HOME His new species unto itself, Travers has elevated unto becoming a creature of the Vou't'An who transcends both Vou't'An and Te'lara at once; that is, he is a creature for the Kurizark, a Wild Space creature, who manifests the will of genesis, the resolve of possibility and the heart of consciousness. Officially: The Never, or: the reach of darkness, the body of darkness. Travers' is manifest of the full scope of possibility of the darkness, second only to Su'en in raw, dark power. A vessel of pure possibility, will, and strength, he is immense: in form(s), in strength, in capability, he can triumph for sheer force of will over any obstacle. Through this, he can become, and create, any and all things. So long as there is free will, or the very possibility of another reality, he will persist; he is time, and space, and its endless toil. Every branching path is born of him, and from that the concept of true Evil had been born; for now, that dominates, but it is not the heart of his power. If Ado is what is, and Su'en is what was and will be again, then Travers is manifest of what could be, and capable of cleansing himself of the corruption of evil to truly be as such.