PRIMORDIAL Secrets from Before Without Su'en or an Aspirant to discuss it, and with Jokazi doing anything but trying to reveal truths that are now the only piece of power he has left, Travers is unaware of all that his inheritance means. He understands the texts, a bit, and has help trying to translate them, but being a Child of Sin and his other ranks do not align with any known heirarchy, or system of power, or even a pantheon that has rumors wrapped around it. Once Su'en exists and can explain, many of his questions will be better answered, and solved. Meaning: he is a boy full of questions and uncertainty, and only Su'en (whose tab is under The Truth) will be able to provide. Still, as he learns, and figures things out for himself, more of his gifts will be easier to control; first, those locked on his Self-Made page, and then these important, few others, which framework the full potential of power he could theoretically reach (but is not likely ever to).
Sams'ati Aspirant Child

mind games

heart games


it all depends